How The RTS...
...Can Help You Transform The Tax Return 
Review Process From a Wild Goose Chase 
to a Value Add Experience
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Taxes Certainly Present A Challenge, But We Look At That As An Opportunity...
An opportunity for great Financial Advisors to help their clients, which means an opportunity for our team to help great Financial Advisors like you.

We’ve never had to convince an Advisor that taxes are important, we just get questions about how great Advisors are using taxes to deliver massive value:
  • How do I review a tax return?
  • “How do I get my team involved in reviewing tax returns?”
  • ​“What about the ‘basic’ returns?”
  • "​How do I make sure my process is consistent and actually delivers value?"
To help answer to these and other questions our team gets from Advisors, for the first time we’ve made one of our most requested tools available to great Advisors like you, who are not yet members of RTS.
If you get tax returns from your clients every year, CONGRATULATIONS!
Having your clients’ returns opens huge opportunities to deliver value through tax planning. The key is to make sure you have a process for turning those returns into value, and that you are improving that process every year.
If you aren’t yet getting tax returns, great news! NOW IS THE PERFECT TIME TO START 
(and one of the first things we help RTS members improve in their practices).
Whichever group you are in, we have a great opportunity for you to keep leveling up. Based on years of experience from both Tax Pros and Financial Advisors, we created a 37 point checklist that can be used to review and get value from any tax return. This checklist gives Advisors a repeatable process that allows them to involve the whole team and create consistency.
How To Use The Checklist
The list does not contain secret tax strategies you’ve never heard of. Its value comes from making your life easier by helping you deliver value in a systematic way on taxes. Here’s how some of our most successful RTS members use it:
  • Get tax returns from every client every year (if you aren’t doing this yet, start asking!).
  • Review every tax return using the RTS 37 Point Checklist and summarize any findings in your CRM or a spreadsheet (this is a great step to delegate).
  • Review the findings for places there are opportunities to take action.
  • Share those actions items in your next client communication or client meeting (don’t forget the dishwasher rule! Even if you didn’t have a recommendation let your clients know you reviewed their return using a CPA created 37 point checklist and everything looks good this year).
  • Repeat the process annually.
BONUS! We update the checklist every year and once you have purchased the RTS 37 Point Checklist you will automatically receive any updates we make in the future at no additional cost.
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